Wednesday, November 5, 2008


As Christians I know a lot of us were disappointed in the outcome of the election last night. I wanted to encourage everyone to look at this as opportunity. An opportunity to Unite as Christians to Pray. Pray for our country, our pastors, and our new president. There is no doubt there is power in prayer we've all experienced it in our lives, so now is not the time to be discouraged. Now is the time to pray. Some of the things I will be specifically praying for is first and formost, true Salvation for Obama, for protection over the unborn and the sanctity of marriage. I encourage you to do the same. We rallied before the election to pray at the same times, how about now? Lets all come together and stop and pray for our nation now every day at 5:00pm Mountain time. You might be on your way home from work or cooking dinner. Just stop your mind from thinking and put it to praying during this time! I challenge all of us to do this. NOW is the time to KEEP praying, please don't become so discouraged that we stop!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sweet Lily

Happy Birthday to Lily! Today she turned 5! Mommy is having a hard time dealing with this. I no longer have any toddlers! My baby, is growing up, now will be going to school in less than a year...I'm so sad! Today was her day, she started off with a family tradition of special breakfast, here's what she "ordered"
Then she got her first gift of the day from Gram and Grandad! Her BIG Girl Bike, which she loved and rode all around in our Living Room!

We spent the day doing what she wanted, played candy land, went to chic-fil-a for lunch then on to the mall to get her ears pierced! She was super's before they were pierced...
AND here's right after they were pierced....
Before you tell me what a bad mom I am, she asked to have them done, it was not my idea, she was looking very forward to matching Mommy and Meg, but, after holding her breath for at least 5 minutes I'm sure, I asked her if she liked them and she said, "I want you to take them OUT!" Yep, she did, but Daddy came to the rescue, bought her some candy and we ended the night eating tacos and blowing out birthday candles...

She did go to sleep with the earrings still in! All in all it was a good day! Happy Birthday Sweet Lily!