Monday, December 29, 2008

New Look and Sorry

Ok, I know I said I would catch up, but really I was having way to much fun relaxing! So I decided to give the blog a new look and once I get all the new pics downloaded I am going to update with new ones of the kids. We had a wonderful Christmas with Scott's family, and will be having a late one with Mom and Bob, so I hope to add all those soon. Scott and I are writing down our goals for the new year. Not resolutions because they seem so cheesy and I feel like when you say "goals" you psychologically tend to try harder, don't you think! Are any of you doing the same? What are some of them? Here's a few of mine, I'll add Scott's when we put them together.

1. Morning and Evening Time with God. I love the idea of waking up to Jesus and going to sleep to Him as well.

2. Healthier eating. We usually are pretty good, but the last 4 months we've been really bad, it's time to get back into a better lifestyle

3. Better Budgeting and Surrender of our Finances to God

4. Consistent and Loving discipline to the Kids, we know we do them injustice when we don't follow through!

So those are just a few, I would love to hear others! See you Soon!


Jenn said...

I really enjoyed catching up on your life tonight or should I say morning? Yes, I am still a night owl but body can not handle it like I could when I was younger. I need much more sleep. ;o)

Your goals sound wonderful! Many of them are ours as well.

Val said...

Your new page is beautiful! I need to get in there and do something to mine ;) It is good to have you back!

natalie said...

one of the norwegian crewmembers asked me if i had made any new year's "solutions" yet! he usually has a pretty good grasp of english but this time it failed.

if i had a goal for this year...not losing God in the doing His work--too easy to get caught up in the doing and miss Him.

Lori said...

Oh my gosh!! I could not figure out WHO you were! Didn't know your married name. It was so good to hear from you. Your children are beautiful!!! My email is Please keep in touch!!

Thanks for your encouragement!
Lori Hollingsworth

Liz said...

It's so great to hear from you!!!!!!! I miss the kids a lot. Tell them HI!!!!! I have been thinkin about you guys. I was up at HC a few weeks ago to volunteer. Are you guys planning on goin back this summer? I start classes tomorrow....will be graduating in Dec. and then who knows!!!!! Thanks for thinkin about me.