Saturday, October 24, 2009

To Blog again or not to Blog again....

So I've been gone so long I'm not sure if I should come back or not! But, I'm thinking that I might give it a go again. We have lots of things coming up, Like Scott's birthday, Lily's birthday, Mom's Birthday and Jack's Birthday, not to mention Thanksgiving and Christmas! So I thought it would be a good way to document all of these fun things. We've had a really rough year...I won't go into detail but I'm sure most of you know! God has been SO faithful and SO amazing through this time. It has built much more character in all of us involved and pointed more people than we could have ever imagined in HIS direction! So while this season has been a tough one, we are Honored that HE used us to help point others to HIM! So I've really kind of missed blogging and hope I can get myself back into the swing of things, I like the idea my friend Jenn has to make a book out of all the blogs. MUCH better than scrapbooking...yuck, I'm to OCD to scrapbook! So thanks Jenn for the idea :) Now if I can just keep up!

So I'll leave you with a few pictures. This was Pumpkin Patch day at school we got the girls before school and Jack on his hayride. They had a really fun day!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hey I was "coming back" to blogging but a couple of days after I said I was my sweet 3 yr old spilled water on my 2 month old laptop. Long story short - it was fixed the day before Thanksgiving.

So now I am planning to start blogging again in January. Each month in 2010 I am planning to do a "throw back" post for 2009. That way I can share the year I was away from blogging. Plus I need it recorded for our blog book.

I hope you are warm today! I know it has been snow and yucky in CO. We have had really cold temps but no snow. :o) Christmas card is on its way.